cute things to draw for your boyfriend

Surprising your boyfriend with a gift you made yourself is a true sign of devotion. Even if you do have the money to buy something for him, spending your time creating a personalized gift will surely be appreciated.

You can simply doodle something cute on a piece of paper or go the extra mile and make a painting on canvas. It doesn’t have to be too intricate. Any handmade gift, however simple it may look, is worth more than a pile of gold in the eyes of your loved one. Here is a list of cute things to draw for your boyfriend that will give you plenty of ideas and get your creative juices flowing!

1. His favorite movie character

Guys who love to watch movies will appreciate a sketch of their favorite movie character. You have probably witnessed your boyfriend watch a specific film numerous times. Well, what does it tell you? It’s his favorite movie, and he can relate to the characters.

It could be a superhero or a fearless fighter. Draw that character for your boyfriend and watch his eyes light up.

2. Animals in love

Who could resist cute animals? I, for one, can’t. However, if drawing a kissing bunny or two doves in the sky forming a love heart is not your thing, you can create something more original. 

Draw the animals that you find more appealing, and scribble something funny next to them. How about two penguins looking at each other and one of them saying, “You defrosted my heart”? Or two hedgehogs with the message “Sending hedgehugs” written underneath?

sending you hedgehugs drawing

3. His favorite season

Seasons often bring us some memories and sentiments. So if you are interested in landscapes and nature scenes, your boyfriend’s favorite season is an amazing idea for artistic drawings or paintings.

It can be winter with a snowman in front of his house, or maybe summer with a sandcastle on the beach that will remind him of his childhood. Or it could be the season you two met and fell in love. Perhaps colorful fall on the campus with yellow and red leaves covering the ground?

4. Your hands clasped together

Take a photo of your hands holding on a special date like an anniversary, and keep the happy memories alive by painting them.

You can make your piece of art as realistic as possible or turn it into an abstract. The painting of your hands will symbolize your connection and bring smiles to your faces every time you both look at it.

5. His favorite cartoon character

Maybe he likes Spongebob? I mean, who doesn’t? Or maybe Doraemon? If you’ve spent some time in your boyfriend’s room and watched TV together, you might have been introduced to his favorite cartoon characters. So get some bright colors, turn on the cartoon of your choice on Youtube for inspiration and start making some sketches.

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Drawing favorite cartoon characters for your love is a playful and affectionate way to connect with his inner child.

spongebob drawing

6. Cute emojis

Something about the cheerfulness of those cute yellow faces strikes a chord with people young and old. They help to express our emotions and illustrate our mood without words. So if writing love poems or painting realistic objects is not your thing, you can draw an emoji that means something to you. 

The best part is that emojis are easy things to doodle, and you don’t need to have artistic skills to draw them. You can write your love message in a few emojis and let your boyfriend decode it.

7. Nature

Something is calming about the image of snowy mountains or trees mirroring in the water of a lake. Nature scenes can lift one’s spirit and even reduce stress levels. So think of the type of landscape your boyfriend would prefer and unleash your creativity.

How about a waterfall in the middle of the jungle? Or perhaps a tropical sunset between palm trees? Or maybe a field of blooming flowers? Whatever nature scene you decide to draw for your boyfriend, he can hang it on the wall for everyone to marvel at.

Knowing your boyfriend’s favorite band means you are paying attention, and you know what rocks his world.

If you’ve just started dating and did not have a chance to discover his musical preferences yet, spending time together and asking him to play his all-time favorite album will give you an idea. Draw the band’s logo with your own twist and watch your guy beam with a smile when you present it to him.

led zeppelin logo drawing

9. His eyes

A really nice moment that could be etched forever in both of your hearts would be the time you ask your boyfriend to stay still so you can draw the beauty of his eyes.

Maybe he has adorable blue eyes with long lashes. Or perhaps he has big brown eyes with flecks of yellow gold. Draw them as you see them when you focus intently on his eyes.

A quiet moment of concentration and an intense look to see the details of his eyes is a romantic occasion that you could also document through photos and videos.

10. His favorite brand

Maybe your man is really into branded clothes or shoes. Some guys love to flaunt this. There’s nothing wrong with it, and you would be oblivious if you missed this.

If he has an affinity with any particular brand, you’d know it right away. Maybe he likes Nike? Or perhaps he has a cool BMW car that he’s obsessed with? It is straightforward to sketch the brand logo since you already have a prototype.

You may sketch the logo of the chosen brand on nice textured paper or use black paper and metallic gel pens. Unleash your imagination, play with the style as you see fit, and develop your own logo interpretation. Whatever the outcome, your boyfriend will love you even more for your thoughtfulness and originality.

11. His pet

If your boyfriend has an adorable dog or a bunny, depicting it in your drawing will be something he would love. Sketching animals is pretty straightforward. An easy thing to do is to have a photo of the pet in front of you while you sketch it. So next time you go to your boyfriend’s place, or you see him walking his pet, make sure you take plenty of snaps of his cute furry friend. 

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Later on, you can choose the best picture to transfer onto paper on canvas. Once you are finished, frame the pet’s portrait, wrap it nicely and give it to your boyfriend as a surprise present.

french bulldog drawing

12. His favorite quote

Many people have a favorite quote they live by. Do you know your boyfriend’s motto that guides him in his existence?

Talking about what motivates you, what makes you happy, and your passions and inspirations are conversation topics that signify you have a deeper connection with your boyfriend. If you know him closely enough, draw or write his favorite quote using a calligraphy pen on a nice classic pale yellow linen paper.

13. His favorite anime

Is your boyfriend into Japanese anime? Then, you can try sketching his favorite anime character.

Anime characters can be very detailed and drawing them may get quite complicated. If your drawing skills are not at this level, you can practice following online tutorials. You could also try using tracing paper to trace the outline and transfer your cute drawing on paper or canvas afterward.

14. Cupid with his arrow

The dimpled Roman god of love in his little diaper wielding a bow and arrow aimed at a throbbing heart is one of the most famous images representing love.

Just the mere mention of cupid probably associates you with Valentine’s day. If you think it’s too much of a cliché, you can always spice it up and make your cupid look naughty: draw a cheeky smile on his face, add a couple of devil’s horns or Batman wings.

naughty cupid drawing

15. The two of you together

The two of you sharing a slice of cake or a cup of coffee in a quaint little cafe is a very charming sight that would be nice to draw. It could be any special moment the two of you shared and had a lovely time together.

Like when you were watching the stars while camping in the mountains. Or the two of you walking in a park while sharing wonderful childhood stories.

Watch your boyfriend’s amazement when you give this cute drawing to him! A present like this will always remind your sweetheart about those wonderful times together.

16. His favorite musical instrument

Does your boyfriend play an instrument? Whether it’s just his guitar or him playing drums with his boy band, see his face light up when you give it to him drawn or painted on canvas. This cool painting will show him that you admire his hobbies. 

Let’s face it, some guys are so into one thing that they tend to forget their girlfriends when they are too engrossed with it. But girls who are confident and self-assured know too well that the time they spend apart is dedicated to the things they love doing. 

17. Cute aliens

There’s something about aliens that fascinate many people. Maybe it’s the mystery surrounding their existence or their eerie appearance. People imagine them based on movies and ruse documentaries.

So when it comes to drawing aliens, you can be as creative as you like! Maybe even wild. You can follow the route of the typical alien with big eyes and antennae or sketch an alien of your imagination. Your boyfriend will appreciate you making those cute drawings for him and the originality of your artistic style.

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alien drawing

18. His favorite book

If your boyfriend is a bookworm, he will be delighted with a drawing of his favorite book. Your interpretation of the book cover or a scene from it will be a unique take on his favorite piece of literature. 

If there is one book that is particularly important to your boyfriend, you can frame your illustration so he can decorate his room.

19. His favorite city

Does your boyfriend love to travel and talk nonstop about the places he’s been to? In that case, you probably know about his favorite city. It could be the New York skyline, the busy streets of Tokyo, or the charming sites of Paris with the Eiffel tower in the background.

Drawing this place might give him a hint to travel there with you one day and create memories that you can cherish together.

20. Random doodles

Doodling is usually something you do to pass the time. It could be simple shapes or elaborate curves. This kind of art is a random take on your imagination, and the direction your mind takes you is what’s exciting about it. The best about doodling is that you don’t need any special art supplies: just grab your ball pen or some colorful Sharpies.

You can add some hidden symbols to your doodles and see if your boyfriend notices them. He will surely adore that you’ve been thinking of him while creating cute drawings during your spare time.

cute doodles to draw for your boyfriend

21. His favorite song

Illustrating your boyfriend’s favorite song is a unique and original way to show your love and affection. Of course, this might be a little advanced and may require more drawing skills. But hey, there’s no harm in trying, right? 

You may write the words of the song using a calligraphy pen and then draw your interpretation of the song beside it.

22. The person he looks up to

Does your boyfriend have somebody he respects and constantly reaches out to when he needs to make difficult decisions? This person could be his dad or any elder in his family. Even if it’s a public figure, TV personality, or sports player that your boyfriend looks up to, knowing his idols and acknowledging their importance will mean a lot to him.

Drawing the person who represents your boyfriend’s values and aspirations is the best way to show that you care about what is important to him.

23. Your favorite holiday memory

What can be better to bring warm and fuzzy feelings than drawing your favorite holiday memory? How about the two of you decorating the Christmas tree with candy canes or kissing under the mistletoe? Or toasting with Pina Coladas on the Caribbean beach?

Holiday recollections will warm your hearts and make you look forward to creating many more of those fun memories together.

Doing something for the one you love can be effortless when you do it from the bottom of your heart. If you’ve found some inspiration from this list of cute things to draw for your boyfriend, grab a pencil and paper, roll up your sleeves and start drawing. Regardless of the occasion, whether it’s your boyfriend’s birthday, Christmas, or Valentine’s day, the effort and love you put into a handmade gift count the most. It may be just a little postcard or a doodle, but it will be an awesome gift that no money can buy.

Brenda is relationships and lifestyle writer, coffee enthusiast, and a lover of new experiences. You’ll usually find her in a coffee shop with her laptop and a flat white scribbling down an article or searching for the next travel destination.

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